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I received some coffee to try but was not compensated in any other way. As usual all opinions are 100% my own.
We’ve had a great few days filled with family, food and fun! ModernMom and Starbucks sent me a fun holiday box with some Starbucks Holiday Blend coffee and new mugs (we all know how much I love my Starbucks mugs). The box came just in time for Christmas morning and kept me from having to make a last minute cofee run since we had just run out. (Christmas miracle I think 😉
I’ve had a little routine with myself on Christmas Eve after everyone else is asleep to watch White Christmas and wrap the last of the gifts. I got to sneak a peek at what Santa left since I was up until 2am. Yes. 2am.
Needless to say coffee was a must in the morning.
Jared and I are black cofee drinkers which means I have gotten a bit picky about the flavor of my coffee lately. I’ve been loving the Starbucks Holiday Blend, a mix of vibrant Latin American and smooth Indonesian coffees. It’s a balance of herbal and sweet maple notes. A perfect Christmas morning wakeup (luckily the kids slept until 7am even though I woke up at 6 too excited to sleep)
I love Christmas morning. Music playing, kids laughing, harmonicas blowing, dogs destroying the house with their new toys and nerf darts flying everywhere. We had a great day and I hope you did too!
Like I said Starbucks sent me an extra package of the Holiday Blend to share with one of you! All you need to do is leave a comment here (you can tell me your favorite part of the holidays if you want some comment direction) by 12pm PST on 1/02/14 and I’ll have random.org randomly draw a winner to announce on the 3rd.
Happy Holidays!
Loved seeing our little girl open presents for the first time! So magical…and I am still recuperating with coffee, would love to win.
I love to spend these days with my family, thanks for the chance ^^ Merry Xmas!!! ^^
Looks like you had a nice Christmas! This was the first year we spent Christmas Day at home. It was simple and relaxing, which was kinda nice for a change. We are in a bit of a transition period of figuring out new traditions now that my Grandparents are no longer around and hosting. Some of our family is spread around, so we don’t always get to be together. It was different this year, but still really nice. Wishes for a Happy New Year!
We have strawberry shortcake for breakfast before opening presents on Christmas morning. Love this tradition from my Dad’s side of the family. Thx for the giveaway!
I love my coffee black too! Christmas is special to me because I’m with my family plus my parents from the Philippines are here to spend the holidays with us. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
My children are grown and I miss the excitement of them waking up early to see if Santa came. I’m looking forward to grandchildren someday to experience the magic of Christmas again. Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year!
My husband and I drink our coffee black and are picky about the flavor too. I’d like to try this blend.
My Husband and I like ours black with sugar. My favorite (not really a moment) this year is that my husband was able to take a few days off so we can have family time. He travels a lot for his job so to spend the week with no outside obligations is wonderful.
Favorite part to me is the family get together fun.
I love love love coffee. I drink mostly vanilla iced ones. Yum111
I love drinking Chocolate Chai Tea Lattes when it is snowing outside while watching a movie!
Yummy! Coffee is always a must!!
I love me some coffee!!!
– April
Love spending time with my family & our cat loves shredding Christmas & tissue paper. Fun for everyone! Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite part of the holidays was seeing my 19 month old great nephew – he is so cute and funny.
My favourite part of the holidays are seeing two little boys’ faces light up when they discover the things in their stockings, drinking coffee, and eating our fruit salad and gluten-free Christmas stollen for breakfast. Then it’s a day of eating, reading, playing games, and Skyping with our families.
My favorite part of the holidays is spending time with my family and friends!
My favorite part of the holidays is celebrating Advent at my church!
Being with my family is the greatest Holiday gift every single year for me and now I have a little grandson who brings the excitement that comes with having one so little this time of year! hanks Allison for the chance to we love Starbucks coffee in our house! Rhonda N
Congratulations Rhonda! Random.org chose #4 and that’s you!
I love spending time with family.
Baking cookies with my grandma!
I love the decorations, especially the smell of the tree.