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I received a Vacuvita storage system to faciliate this review/post. All opinions are my own.

I am always up for learning better ways to plan meals and reduce food waste in our house. I am one of those people who can go to the grocery store, come home, and decide we have nothing to eat. Vacuvita wanted us to check out their gorgeous new food storage system so they sent us a Vacuvita® One Touch Storage System to try out AND if you scroll down to the end of the post have offered to give you a chance to win one as well! 

Vacuvita Food Storage System

Vacuvita is a really cool concept for food storage. It’s a one touch storage system with a “home base” that sits on your counter and provides easy access to foods while keeping them inside an air-tight container. The best way to see how this works is to watch the little video on Amazon.

Vacuvita Food Storage System Vacuvita Food Storage System Vacuvita Food Storage System

You can use the home base with containers (that you can sync with an app to tell you about the contents and even alert you when it’s nearing the end of its shelf life) and resealable vacuum bags. You just attach the hose and seal. Since the average household wastes 1300 pounds of food per year (up to $1500 in waste) this system really helps you cut down on that.

We’ve used the home base for fruits and veggies, bread or, right now, cookies!

Vacuvita Food Storage System Vacuvita Food Storage System

Tips for using a Vacuvita:

  • When storing bread products in your Home Base, leave it wrapped in paper or plastic.
  • Do not store both dry and moist foods in Home Base simultaneously.
  • Wash, clean and dry fresh fruits and vegetables before vacuum sealing in bags.
  • Never store bananas or soft cheese in vacuum.  For a list of foods not recommended, as well as guidelines for how to store all recommended foods visit the Vacuvita FAQ page: https://www.vacuvita.com/faq/

They come in some beautiful colors as well as black and white!

Vacuvita Food Storage System

Ready for a chance to win your own Vacuvita® One Touch Storage System?! Just enter via the widget below:

Vacuvita® One Touch Storage System

Good luck!


Allison Waken is the founder, writer, photographer, and content creator of All for the Memories and All for the Boys.


  1. This looks like an awesome device to use for food storage! I never used to eat leftovers but as I’ve gotten an older and started cooking more, I try to eat them as much as possible so I’m not throwing stuff out.

  2. That green color is beautiful! I’d be just fine having one of these sitting pretty on my kitchen counter.

    • Allison Waken

      Aren’t they so pretty?!

    • Allison Waken

      Isn’t it such a cool concept?!

  3. Joan Kubes

    This looks amazing! I would absolutely love to have one!