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I’m not good at being accessorized. I try, I really do, but it usually just comes down to time. I was honestly not sure what I’d think about a jewelry subscription, but one month in to RocksBox and I’m hooked!

RocksBox Jewelry Subscription + a one month free code!You can add items to a wish list and you’ll receive 3 pieces a month based on your style selections and wish list. You get to wear these pieces as much as you want, they’re on loan to you. Return those 3 pieces anytime to get 3 more!

RocksBox Jewelry Subscription + a one month free code!I loved the idea at first just to have some new pieces to rotate through my wardrobe since I almost always just wear whatever is on my nightstand. But the pieces I received were just my style I don’t know how I’m not going to buy them all!

RocksBox Jewelry Subscription + a one month free code!

RocksBox Jewelry Subscription + a one month free code!The one thing I REALLY love is that I get to try out the jewelry. I can’t tell you how many pieces I don’t wear because it smells funny, or is too heavy or pulls my hair. Apparently I’m picky! This allows you to wear and try out the designer jewelry for only $19 a month as a Shine Insider – each month you’ll have $10 to spend toward a purchase if you want to keep anything in your box. If not, just send them back to receive new pieces!

Want to try a month for free?

Use my code allisonwakenxoxo at RocksBox.com (affiliate code) to get your first month free!

I don’t use the monthly clothing subscriptions too much, but this one is going to be a regular I think! I’ll try and remember to share what I’ve been getting as well!






Allison Waken is the founder, writer, photographer, and content creator of All for the Memories and All for the Boys.

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