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I was part of The Every day, care™ Project from Whirlpool® as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars. #EveryDayCare
It is absolutely NO secret that my pups are members of our family. They bring so many smiles and laughs into our daily lives and we have several friends and family who feel the same. Unfortunately they do require some extra planning for long days, vacations or unplanned sicknesses. One of the ways I love to help my friends and family is to take care of their pets any time.
Taking care of my dogs or someone else’s is easier when they are stimulated. Having 2 dogs who can de-squeak an “indestructible” squeaky toy in 2.87 seconds…well, that can get expensive quickly. I’ve found a few ways to re-use things from around the house and keep mine (or friends’) dogs happily entertained for a bit without having to buy (and clean up) new stuffed toys every day. (As with any toy made or purchased, pets should be supervised when playing with them).
Here are 2 ideas, but these can be taken in so many directions depending on what you have on hand. Here I used a leg from a pair of ripped/stained jeans that couldn’t be donated and a tennis ball.
Cut a pant leg off of the jeans and then cut some slits on one side. This makes tying the toy easier since jeans are a bit bulky.
Tie opposite sides together as tightly as you can (I double knotted it).
Then do the same to the other side. So Easy!
For the 2nd toy I took one of Chance’s favorite sounds (a crinkly water bottle) and put it into a couple of layers of jersey knit from a stained skirt.
Roll up the bottle and tightly tie both sides.
This toy actually lasts longer here than the water bottle toys with Velcro that you can buy. Plus you can just insert a new bottle and tie off again for more fun.
Taking care of pets = taking care of people and I’m more than happy to do it and am always thankful when people do it for me! It seems like such a small act, but if you have pets you know how much you appreciate good care.
Speaking of care, have you seen Whirlpool’s Every day, care™ project lately? The new “You are my Sunshine” videos kill me! I love seeing how others show their love from day to day and how much it means. Go now and check out what they’re doing on the Every day, care™ website, to learn about their mission, and celebrate the little things.
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