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I took a snapshot so I wouldn’t forget.
My boys watching the news with their dad fully realizing that this event, this moment, is a part of their history. I can’t believe it’s been almost 10 years since I fully realized that this world, this country, isn’t a bubble of sunshine and daisies. I was almost 19 and married. Almost 10 years when my world was rocked and I fully realized what HATE and man can do. I also knew then that one day I’d have to explain these things to my children and I have, with as much love as I can squeeze out of my being, I try and explain these things of the world to them as they sit snuggled on the couch with their dad.
Thank you to all that give their lives to protect mine and the precious ones I have brought into the world. Thank you.
Now I pray that they won’t have to experience this kind of hate first hand while preparing their hearts in case it does. Sometimes being a parent isn’t sunshine and daises either.
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