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I love exploring my state. Whenever I get a chance to head up north (especially in the Summer) I jump at it! I hate it when people who have been to Arizona once in their lives have seen more of the state than me. Believe it or not there are some people who have lived here their whole lives and have never driven up to see the Grand Canyon!
Walnut Canyon National Monument is an amazing spot with amazing formations and even cooler (literally and figuratively) cliff dwellings.
I can’t believe how many of these dwellings are still visible after the time and weather that must have passed through here since they were occupied.
I’m also always so amazed at how well the families building these dwellings knew how to utilize the land and location to maximize their comfort level. Even today just walking inside a few feet you can feel the temperature change!
The Walnut Canyon National Monument has paved paths and I definitely recommend the 1 mile Island Trail. It’s quite a few steps down and back up (240), and you wouldn’t want kids running around unsupervised because there are no railings, but it is definitely worth the trip up North!
Even if you don’t think you can walk all the way down you can still see some of the dwellings on an easier path and learn more in the little museum. It’s really beautiful, and a fun day trip for the family!
1 Comment
Love your photos! Walnut Canyon is a great place! We’ve only been once, but plan to take the boys when they are a little older!