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Melvin is back! We haven’t even gotten the Christmas decorations out but Melvin still found his way out. It’s a good thing he did too because it would have been really bad if he wasn’t magic and he wasn’t in his box in the attic that you have to get to in the ladder. And it’s really good that he is magic because if he wasn’t (and he wasn’t in his box) then I would have climbed into the attic for no reason and would have had to look all over the house to find him at 11pm. So, you know, it’s a good thing he’s magic.
The boys made him a stocking the other day out of an old soccer sock. He found the stocking and hung it up for the Holidays.
In other non-magical news. I completed my December Daily/December Journal cover.
I’m excited to add little details of our month.
He has finally gotten into the author Rick Riordan no matter how much I told him he’d like it I guess he needed to find it on his own.
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