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It’s amazing how one day you’re on top of it all and the next you’re completely under your to do list! Instead of freaking out about what needs to get done I thought a lately post was in order! Lately I’ve been: planning a super fun blogger party for an awesome coffee company (can’t wait to share) / planning a kitchen upgrade (counters, sink, faucets, cabinets – because the holidays are the best time to re-do a kitchen /sarcasm) / coveting or needing a new camera / planning homemade holiday gifts / loving the boys’ new hobbies (hip hop and football) / deciding how I’m going to tackle December Daily (if at all) / getting rid of a TON of unneeded craft stuff / loving this reasonably priced sectional / still loving our new floors / wanting a heater for the patio / already bought a planner for next year because I had a deadline to write in January…
How’s that for a jumbled mess for you? Here are some fun “lately” photos too
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