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We leave for Walt Disney World and our very first Disney Cruise in LESS than 2 WEEKS! I am SO excited for this trip and have some fun content for you that I plan to capture while I’m gone including how I scrapbook/keep memories while on a trip! Before any trip though is the preparation phase. I prep by figuring out how I want to keep the memories for each trip. For this one I’m going to keep it simple and go with a traveler’s notebook. I’m also making an adorable mini Disney vacation journal to compliment the traveler’s notebook that I hope the family will add to throughout the trip. These would make really great Fish Extender gifts if you’re going on a  Disney cruise as well!DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook!

These are so simple to make, especially once you’ve made one or two so you could definitely repeat the process for family or fish extender gifts. Just sit down do them all at once and you’re good to go! To make these Disney inspired travel or mini journal notebooks you’ll need:

How to make a mini Disney vacation journal notebook:

  1. Cut your desired scrapbook paper to 7″ wide by 5″ tall. *Tip: pay attention to the backside of your scrapbook paper to see if there’s a cute design that will be included on the inside, make note to watch that it’s right side up when you’re doing final book assembly.DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook!
  2. Fold the paper in half and crease with the bone folder for a smooth finish.
  3. Cut out the printable papers (don’t worry about the width for now).DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook!
  4. Cut out extra sheets of paper at 5″ tall (again don’t worry about the width) I used 3 extra per notebook.DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook!
  5. Arrange the papers in order of how you want them in the book. The title page should be facing you, while the “favorites” pages should be face down.DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook!
  6. Fold the stack of inside papers in half using the bone folder.DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook!
  7. Place the inside papers inside your cover and staple twice using your long reach stapler. *Tip: line the TOP of your notebook up so that any extra height comes out the bottom.DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook! DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook! DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook! DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook!
  8. Using a metal ruler as your guide trim the sides and bottom of the papers to make a perfectly smooth notebook edge. *Note: if you trimmed your inside pages to size they’d be ok but would be slightly off, by leaving them long and trimming at the end, you’re ensuring a nice smooth, even edge.DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook! DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook! DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook!
  9. Enjoy!

The printable pages have favorite: things to see, things to eat and rides.

DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook! DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook! DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook!

I will actually be using mine inside a traveler’s notebook! Learn how to make your own traveler’s notebooks (very similar to these mini journals) in this post. I’m clipping it to the back page for now.DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook! DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook! DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook! DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook!

DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook!

Let me know if you’d like to see a video of the process, I know some people love to visualize it that way. I’ll be sharing lots more from this album soon!

DIY Disney mini journal notebook and traveler's notebook!



Allison Waken is the founder, writer, photographer, and content creator of All for the Memories and All for the Boys.


  1. Tara Jeffers

    Hi Allison! Love this idea!! I am headed to Disney and thinking of using my traverler’s notebook. If you wouldn’t mind sharing your process video or even end results, looking for ideas. Hoping to prepare my notebook ahead of time, so at night when we are exhausted, can jot some notes and add some photos.

    Thank you so much for sharing.

    • Allison Waken

      I need to work on that as a video! Thank you for the reminder!