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After picking up someone else’s bag at the airport for a trip a couple of months ago, I decided I was going to make some new luggage tags to add to my bags so I’d know immediately if they were mine. I wanted something really fun that would make me smile. I’ve seen some cute “joke” tags that I considered and then I had an idea. Why not add Chance & Kona’s faces to my bags – so that’s just what I did! These DIY dog/pet luggage tags are pretty simple but will definitely put a smile on your face. On our last trip we had all our bags lined up on the luggage rack of a shuttle bus and a little girl who sat in front of them loved looking at them! Of course, having the cutest dogs ever helps 😉

DIY dog photo luggage tags - such a fun way to find your luggage easily when traveling

DIY dog photo luggage tags - such a fun way to find your luggage easily when traveling

To make your own photo luggage tags  you’ll need photos, a laminator, a hole punch and cables for attaching to your bag – I LOVE these ones for all sorts of things from luggage tags to keys.

DIY dog photo luggage tags - such a fun way to find your luggage easily when traveling

If you want you can use one of my templates for the back or you or your kids can design your own. I made 2 types for me – Airmail & Colorful. If you’re using these strictly for back recognition, just use 2 photos!

To make, print out your tags (I used mine as a photo template but you can just use a regular 3×5 or 4×6 photo)

DIY dog photo luggage tags - such a fun way to find your luggage easily when traveling

Cut & glue both sides together.

DIY dog photo luggage tags - such a fun way to find your luggage easily when traveling

Trim any excess to make sure the sides are nice and neat. Add your name or any info you want onto the back. Then, run through the laminator.

DIY dog photo luggage tags - such a fun way to find your luggage easily when traveling DIY dog photo luggage tags - such a fun way to find your luggage easily when traveling

This first batch had some bubbles so I just ran it through again!

Trim the edges, punch a hole and attach.

DIY dog photo luggage tags - such a fun way to find your luggage easily when traveling DIY dog photo luggage tags - such a fun way to find your luggage easily when traveling DIY dog photo luggage tags - such a fun way to find your luggage easily when traveling

I told you it was super simple! Here’s one after a full flight, checked bag, transfer to a cruise line and onto the rental car shuttle. They held up well.

DIY dog photo luggage tags - such a fun way to find your luggage easily when traveling

The boys loved these as much as I did and they made quite a few people smile while traveling this week. You could even use photos of the kids and make these as gifts for the grandparents if they love to travel too.

DIY dog photo luggage tags - such a fun way to find your luggage easily when traveling


Allison Waken is the founder, writer, photographer, and content creator of All for the Memories and All for the Boys.

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