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Are you inundated with all the cute things to make and do each season? Me too! I am all about inspiring people to be intentional about creating memories but I think it should be as simple or as complicated as you want (or need). From picnics to baking, traveling to movie nights I want to inspire you to take a few hours to a full weekend setting aside time to create memories whether it’s by yourself, with a friend, or with your family. So let’s start off with Fall memory-making idea #1: Go on a Picnic!

Fall Memory-Making Idea #1: Go on a Picnic

Hear me out! What makes picnics so fun as a kid (besides the possibility of being near a playground or water)? It’s the change of scenery, the breakaway from the “norm”, the attention from the family, maybe even the people watching! 

Any memories my boys have from meals as kids involves switching up the routine. They loved “picnics” on a blanket on the floor with a muffin tin lunch, picnics at the park, sitting in the back of the truck to eat, sitting on the patio of a restaurant watching all the dogs visiting…

As an adult I LOVE back-of-the-truck meals, camp meals, grabbing food to go & finding a gorgeous spot to sit and eat. 

So make a new memory as we go into Fall where it’s just getting into prime picnic weather in the desert, or take advantage of the gorgeous days before winter if you live where there are more than 2 seasons. Make a picnic or grab some food to go and check out that park you’ve been meaning to visit, or even road trip out to find some new scenery.

Ways to Create a Picnic This Fall

Here is some picnic idea inspiration if you can’t decide what to do.

  • Good old fashioned packed meal at the park on a blanket (or in your backyard or on the floor in the living room if you can’t leave home for whatever reason)
  • In the back of your car/truck
  • Near a stream, lake, or river
  • On the patio of a takeout restaurant
  • At the zoo
  • At a drive-in
  • Eat at a you-pick farm or pumpkin patch
  • Rent a boat at a local lake or bay
  • Bring food to explore and eat at an off-grid camping spot
  • On a hike
  • If you have the equipment – on an off-roading adventure
  • Bring a picnic when it’s time to see Fall colors

Picnic Gift Ideas to make Picnicking Easier or More Fun

  • For when you want to be fancy but NOT try to lug a picnic basket around everywhere this picnic backpack has everything!
  • For longer trips or when the cooler needs to be in the car a while go with a roto-molded cooler. Tip – put a bag of ice in it the night before to cool it down, then replace ice & pack for the day.
  • An outdoor wine table like this one or this one
  • Picnic blanket – this one is inexpensive and has a ton of reviews
  • If you want to pick up dinner but bring drinks this insulated carrier can hold a bottle and has 2 insulated cups that fit in as well.
  • If you find yourself using a lot of plastic bags, maybe try some beeswax wraps.


Don’t forget to take pictures! Here’s to being INTENTIONAL with making little memories this Fall.


Allison Waken is the founder, writer, photographer, and content creator of All for the Memories and All for the Boys.

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