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It’s that time of year in Phoenix when they start putting Halloween decorations, jeans and sweatshirts out on the store shelves but it’s still 115F outside. We needed to get away from the heat even just for a bit so we headed north this last weekend to check out Lynx Lake in Prescott.

Here are some iPhone shots from our trip

A little over an hour and 50 degrees later – totally worth it! If you’re thinking about going DO IT! The bathrooms are well kept, the parking is good, camping spots are beautiful but maybe a bit squished together and the scenery is gorgeous.

It was a little busier than we normally like but it was a Saturday and the lake itself isn’t very big so that’s probably normal. I’d suggest going during the week if you want it to be a little quiter. They have boat rentals as well (they were closed when we were there). Click here for more info on Lynx Lake.


Allison Waken is the founder, writer, photographer, and content creator of All for the Memories and All for the Boys.

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